Watford Lions Club help support our tenants this winter

Watford Lions Club help support our tenants this winter
Two minute read
Published: 28 Dec 2022

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Watford Lions for helping us support our more vulnerable tenants this winter. 

For those who don’t know, Watford Lions is part of the largest community service organisation in the world – Lions Club International – with over 1.4 million members in around 46,000 clubs from over 200 countries.

The aim of the Lions is to raise money to support local charities and other causes, with a particular focus on the less able-bodied, elderly and young people. 

Our local Lions raise money by putting on some of Hertfordshire’s best events, for example the Cassiobury Park fireworks, Abbots Langley carnival, and more recently, Santa’s Sleigh. They also help to run the Hemel Hempstead Lions Bookshop with five other Lions clubs, they donate and send over glasses to developing countries and organise ‘fish and chip suppers’ and annual coach trips to the seaside for the elderly.

Over the last few years, Watford Lions has very generously given us great sums of money that helps support our more vulnerable tenants. This year Gita, Gulab and the team have been very kind and given us £1,500 Asda vouchers for families to spend on food this Christmas. We know this is going to be a tough winter for many of our tenants, so this money is going to make a huge difference for those who need it most.