Hendon Christian Housing Association is consulting its tenants over a proposal to transfer its homes to Watford Community Housing. This page includes information on the proposed transfer and what it means for customers.
Hendon Christian Housing Association (HCHA) is consulting its tenants over a proposal to transfer its homes to Watford Community Housing. Following the transfer, we would be responsible for maintaining these homes and providing services to the customers living in them.
With housing associations operating in a challenging economic environment and with increased regulatory requirements, the transfer would help to ensure that HCHA customers continue to have well-maintained homes and good-quality services.
This video sets out why the transfer is being proposed and what HCHA customers can expect from Watford Community Housing:
For more information, see the press release: Hendon Christian Housing Association consulting tenants on transfer to Watford Community Housing
HCHA has written to all its customers to inform them of the proposed transfer and invite questions and feedback. The consultation period lasts until 16 September 2024.
If you are an HCHA customer, HCHA remains responsible for maintaining your home and providing your services while the consultation is ongoing. As your home is currently managed by Christian Action Housing Association, you should continue to contact them as usual with any issues about your home.
If the transfer goes ahead, we will contact you to let you know when your tenancy and services will transfer over to Watford Community Housing.
If you have any queries or concerns at any time during this process, please contact HCHA directly, using the information in the letter you have been sent. If you have not received a letter, please email Chair@hendonchristianha.org.uk.
For more information on the proposed transfer, check out our FAQs below – please click on the questions for more information.
You can find more information below about the consultation and how you can have your say.