Hendon Christian Housing Association transfer

Hendon Christian Housing Association is consulting its tenants over a proposal to transfer its homes to Watford Community Housing. This page includes information on the proposed transfer and what it means for customers.

Hendon Christian Housing Association (HCHA) is consulting its tenants over a proposal to transfer its homes to Watford Community Housing. Following the transfer, we would be responsible for maintaining these homes and providing services to the customers living in them.

With housing associations operating in a challenging economic environment and with increased regulatory requirements, the transfer would help to ensure that HCHA customers continue to have well-maintained homes and good-quality services. 

This video sets out why the transfer is being proposed and what HCHA customers can expect from Watford Community Housing:

What this means for HCHA customers

HCHA has written to all its customers to inform them of the proposed transfer and invite questions and feedback. The consultation period lasts until 16 September 2024.

If you are an HCHA customer, HCHA remains responsible for maintaining your home and providing your services while the consultation is ongoing. As your home is currently managed by Christian Action Housing Association, you should continue to contact them as usual with any issues about your home. 

If the transfer goes ahead, we will contact you to let you know when your tenancy and services will transfer over to Watford Community Housing.

If you have any queries or concerns at any time during this process, please contact HCHA directly, using the information in the letter you have been sent. If you have not received a letter, please email Chair@hendonchristianha.org.uk.

Frequently asked questions

For more information on the proposed transfer, check out our FAQs below – please click on the questions for more information.

Why is this transfer being proposed?
HCHA has decided that merging with a larger landlord is the best way to make sure that tenants receive good-quality services.

The transfer would ensure that additional resources are available to maintain homes to the highest standards of repair and safety. It would also bring wider benefits to HCHA customers through more robust and additional services – there is more information below on the services we will be able to offer tenants.

Transferring will also allow HCHA’s social purpose to continue and ensure there is the capacity to comply with regulations and meet the demands of the external operating environment.

Watford Community Housing has been chosen as the preferred partner for this transfer, as we have similar values to HCHA, and we are a registered provider of social housing with charitable objectives.

Together, HCHA and Watford Community Housing believe that a transfer can bring the following benefits for residents:
  • a consistently better and more accessible housing management and repairs service – we have just been awarded the highest grading for our service by the Regulator for Social Housing
  • services to residents which are updated in line with changing governmentregulations and standards
  • a team with experience of services to older people, and people with visual impairments
  • an organisation that is committed to listening to residents
Are there any disadvantages to the proposed transfer?
Both HCHA and Watford Community Housing have looked carefully at the consequences of this proposal and, through a process known as due diligence, we will ensure that the would mean no material detriment to tenants.

It may take some time to align the systems and people from both organisations which may mean that you do not see all planned improvements immediately. However, we expect that you will quickly see changes and a more visible and accessible housing and repairs service.
Why can’t HCHA manage our homes?
HCHA does not have a full staff team and it does not have enough homes to make the cost of employing staff viable. HCHA invited several housing associations to submit proposals for a possible transfer, and received proposals from both Watford Community Housing and Christian Action Housing Association. After considering both proposals, they selected us as the potential partner, based on our record of delivering good-quality services.
What will Watford Community Housing offer for HCHA customers?
We take pride in delivering high-quality services and we have the highest ratings available from the Regulator of Social Housing – G1 for governance, V1 for financial viability and C1 under the new consumer standards.

HCHA customers who transfer to Watford Community Housing will have access to our full range of services, which include:
  • A dedicated Customer Service team to help with repair requests and any other queries
  • A 24/7 out-of hours service for emergencies
  • The ability to request repairs, raise queries and more through your online account at www.wcht.org.uk
  • A wide-ranging repairs, maintenance and home improvement service, including energy efficiency improvements for poorly performing homes below EPC C level
  • Funding for aids and adaptations in your home to help you maintain your independence
  • Access to support from our dedicated Tenancy Sustainment team, who can offer guidance on money management, benefits and Universal Credit, and make referrals to other support agencies and local food banks
  • Access to community funding for locals projects and groups – find out more here: www.wcht.org.uk/community/
  • Community events and clean-up days
We are a community gateway housing association, which means that tenants can become members of Watford Community Housing and have more of a say over what we do and how we operate. All HCHA customers will have the right to become a full member following the transfer. You can find out more here: www.wcht.org.uk/gateway/

We are committed to listening to our residents and acting on their feedback. We offer a number of ways for tenants to get involved in our work. You can find out more here: www.wcht.org.uk/get-involved/

We are also a proud member of Homes for Cathy, a group of housing associations and homelessness charities united by our aim to end homelessness – together we own and manage over 1.34 million homes. All members sign up to nine homelessness commitments, developed with Crisis, which guide and benchmark best practice within our organisations.
You can find out more about our services by reading our service standards.
How will Watford Community Housing support visually impaired customers?
If you are blind or partially sighted, we will be happy to engage with you to understand your needs and how you would prefer to receive communications from us. Our Housing team will be able to provide support as required and we can provide communications by email for people who use screen-reading software.
What will happen to my tenancy agreement?
There will be no changes to your tenancy agreement. If the proposal goes ahead, Watford Community Housing will simply take over the contract and we will continue to honour your agreement. All your current terms and conditions would remain unchanged.
Will my rent and service charges go up?
If the transfer goes ahead, your rent (and any service charges you pay) will be calculated in the same way that it always has been.

Like all housing associations, we review rents annually, in line with guidance from the government. Rent increases for housing associations are based on the September Consumer Price Index (CPI). The financial year runs from the beginning of April to the end of March, so your next rent increase is due to take effect from April 2025.

HCHA follows the same process that we do, so if the transfer goes ahead then any changes to your rent in future years will be the same as they would have been with HCHA.

Service charges are reviewed every year. Your service charge covers the direct cost of services for your block and/or estate and this would not change.

We will always ensure that service charges are calculated accurately, so that residents are only charged for the cost of services they receive.
Will I need to change how I make my rent payments?
If the transfer goes ahead, you will need to pay your rent to Watford Community Housing. We will contact you to let you know when you will need to start making payments to us instead of HCHA.

Your new housing or scheme officer will be able to work with you to make sure you know how to make payments to us, and help you get set up.

There are lots of different ways to pay rent to us, including direct debit, standing order, and through our website. We would also send you a new rent card, which you can use to make payments over the phone, at the Post Office or other PayPoint locations, by text message and through the allpay website or phone app.
What will happen if I struggle to make rent payments?
We are here to help. If the transfer goes ahead, we will be able to work with you to provide support and guidance if you are struggling to pay your rent.

For more information, see: Money advice and help
What will I have to do if I need a repair?
For now, you should continue to contact Christian Action Housing Association to request repairs.

If the transfer goes ahead, we will pick up any outstanding repairs that have not been completed, and we will provide more information on how to request new repairs from us.

For more information on our repairs service, see here: www.wcht.org.uk/repairs

After the transfer, Watford Community Housing will check all homes against the government’s Decent Homes Standard and put together a plan to bring homes up to standard.
Would my repairs, grounds maintenance or cleaning contractors change?
Yes, your services will be provided by Watford Community Housing and their contractors. Watford Community Housing have a dedicated in-house repairs team. For cleaning and grounds maintenance, the contractor Accuro works alongside the in-house Estates team.
Will there still be a scheme manager at Vernon House?
Vernon House would be brought into Watford Community Housing’s Independent Living service with a scheme officer being present regularly throughout the week.
What do I do if I need to report anti-social behaviour?
For now, you should report any problems to Christian Action Housing Association, as usual.

If the transfer goes ahead, Watford Community Housing will provide support with any concerns around anti-social or unreasonable behaviour. We expect our customers to behave respectfully and we are committed to resolving issues quickly and fairly.

You can find out more about our services here: Anti-social behaviour
Will the transfer affect my place on the housing list?
No. The local housing registers are managed by the relevant local authority, so this will not impact your position on the housing waiting list.
Will I be able to do a mutual exchange with other Watford Community Housing and HCHA customers?
Yes. Mutual exchanges can happen with any social landlord or local authority across the country, so the transfer will not affect your options.
Will I still be able to speak to someone in person?
For now, you should still contact Christian Action Housing Association with any day-to-day queries.

If the transfer goes ahead, our Customer Service team will be your first point of contact and they will always try to deal with your enquiry as quickly as possible.

You will also have a dedicated housing or scheme officer, who can visit you at home and provide support with more complicated enquiries

FAQs – the consultation process and what will happen next

You can find more information below about the consultation and how you can have your say.

How can I have my say about the proposed transfer?
HCHA is inviting tenants to share their views during the current consultation. Your feedback and any concerns or queries you raise will be shared with and considered by the HCHA Board when they decide whether or not to proceed with the proposed transfer.

There are a number of ways you can ask questions and give feedback:
  • Write to HCHA: you can use the tear-off page in the letter sent to you by HCHA, put it in the business reply envelope and post it. You do not need to write anything on the envelope. You do not need to use a stamp.
  • Send your comments by email, putting HCHA in the subject line. Either type your answers or scan and attach your completed feedback form. Please send your email to support@mi-voice.com
  • If you would like to talk to someone in person about the proposals, please let HCHA know by emailing Chair@hendonchristianha.org.uk by August 22.
  • If you, or a group of residents, would like a meeting to talk about the proposal, please email Chair@hendonchristianha.org.uk by August 16 and they will arrange to come and meet with you.
The consultation period lasts until 16 September 2024. HCHA need to have received comments from you by then so they have time to properly consider them before the HCHA Board makes a decision.
What happens next?
Feedback from residents will be considered by the Board of HCHA before a final decision is made in September. HCHA will write to you soon after to let you know the outcome. If their Board decides to go ahead with the transfer, it is likely to take place at the end of October.
If approved, when would the transfer take effect?
We anticipate that the transfer would take place in late October 2024. This would be followed by a period of integration, and a review of services and how the service to HCHA tenants can best be delivered.