Find a home

Homes to rent

We want to help you find a place you can call home. Find out how you can live in one of our properties.

To rent one of our homes, the first step is to register with your local authority to let them know that you are in need of a home. We aren’t able to accept direct applications, but we do work closely with the local authority to monitor applications.

Once you’ve completed your application, you’ll be placed on the local authority’s waiting list. They will give you a band based on your circumstances and needs, and they’ll also give you an online registration number.

You will then be able to apply for homes through the home choice tool used by the local authority. That’s where you’ll be able to find all the homes we have available in your area, and apply for any that suit you.

You can apply online or directly through your local authority. Find your local authority’s website here to register for housing services.